The day was complete with birthday gifts for party girls, birthday food (mini pizzas and mini cupcakes) and party goody bags. Also in attendance were fabulous displays of talent and creativity.See for yourself . . .

this gorgeous log cabin quilt.
All in one month. She's amazing!
Lovely Elaine has inspired us all to do something
(And she always has so much to inspire us with!)


Ah, ha! Secret "show and tells" Debbie B. has been hiding.
And isn't this one worth the wait? We all love it!
Here's one from her last Sisters' Retreat. All done, already!


Cheery, delightful, and refreshing.
Yup, that's Debbie J. and her quilt. Perfect!

Just a few more blocks to go . . .
and then Heidi will know how to applique, we hope!
Equally busy and talented Michelle, Becky, Carol and Marene somehow missed out on the photo ops but were all participants in the celebrations.
And hope to see you next month Valerie and Andie!
And what's a birthday party without gifts???

Birthday Cupcake Frosting:
5 Tb. milk
1 C. milk
1/2 C. butter
1/2 C. shortening
1 C. sugar
1 ts vanilla
Stir flour and milk until smooth in a small saucepan and cook until thick. Cover and refrigerate. Beat remaining ingredients in mixing bowl until smooth then add chilled mixture. Beat for 10 minutes. Frost cooled cupcakes.
(And she always has so much to inspire us with!)


Ah, ha! Secret "show and tells" Debbie B. has been hiding.
And isn't this one worth the wait? We all love it!
Here's one from her last Sisters' Retreat. All done, already!


Marae completed the top for this big beautiful camp quilt.
It's all warm and cozy and lovable, just like she is.
Cheery, delightful, and refreshing.
Yup, that's Debbie J. and her quilt. Perfect!

Just a few more blocks to go . . .
and then Heidi will know how to applique, we hope!
Equally busy and talented Michelle, Becky, Carol and Marene somehow missed out on the photo ops but were all participants in the celebrations.
And hope to see you next month Valerie and Andie!
Pizzas and cupcakes--looks like party food!
And what's a birthday party without gifts???

Birthday Cupcake Frosting:
5 Tb. milk
1 C. milk
1/2 C. butter
1/2 C. shortening
1 C. sugar
1 ts vanilla
Stir flour and milk until smooth in a small saucepan and cook until thick. Cover and refrigerate. Beat remaining ingredients in mixing bowl until smooth then add chilled mixture. Beat for 10 minutes. Frost cooled cupcakes.